Jill Tracy Interview in Gothic Beauty Magazine

A woman of many, many talents. Jill Tracy has spent nearly all her life channeling the melancholic and macabre to weave a sonic web as delicate as it is strong. We caught up with the enchanting artist to chat about all the delicious projects she has happening, and some of the stories behind her singular vision. — by Jessika Hulse 

“The Ecstasy of Melancholy:” READ the full interview in Gothic Beauty Magazine Issue 41. featuring Jill Tracy as well as Chris Corner of IAMX, Frontline Assembly, and Edward Gorey. 
(photo by Audrey Penven) 

(excerpt) “One of my greatest pleasures right now is immersing myself in unusual locations laden with mysterious history, and manifesting music from my reaction to the environment. The intensity and immediacy is fascinating. I call it “spontaneous musical combustion” (as homage to “spontaneous human combustion,” and my affinity for peculiar history and science tales.) I’ve found myself conjuring the hidden score inside haunted castles, abandoned asylums, decrepit mansions, gardens, and graveyards…” —JILL TRACY

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